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September 2017 blog post

Here's my blog, my first one anyway. I've never done this before but since I consider myself to be a proficient writer I'll try my best. The month of September offered many fun opportunities for me; I started my first semester of college at MxCC for my degree in video/media production (that's why I have to write this), I got to go to the Big E and watch my girlfriend perform in a marching band, and after many years of procrastination I bought a guitar and am learning how to play it. So far I've learned the beginning riff to "Satisfaction" by The Rolling Stones but I'll keep everyone posted on my progress.

I guess working towards my degree is the most exciting of those 3 things. I'm doing something I'm passionate about and for the first time in my life, going to school isn't a miserable chore. Soon I'll be able to put various projects on my website for everyone to see. I'll mostly be doing independent stuff and I might even put up a couple projects I did in high school (as amateurish as they may have been).

I'll also make other blog posts other than the required monthly one, most likely about movies I like or dislike. But in conclusion (before I start rambling on) I can't wait to get started on writing my blogs, filming and creating projects, and building my website. I'm Connor S. Madison, signing off.

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